The World Is My Playground

Monday, March 05, 2007


I've been staying with my aunt and uncle north of Atlanta for almost 2 weeks now. It's been very relaxing and fun. My aunt has always intrigued me because she is one of two of eleven kids who moved out of WI. But since she moved I have never known her well. She is the oldest and my dad is the youngest; I think we figured they span 22 years. So her children are my dad's age and her grandchildren are my age and some of them live down here too. I have had the opportunity to spend time with her daughter and with her grand-daughter (who is my age) and even with her great-grand-daughter who is 6ish. It's been a fun and enlightening experience getting to know this part of my family better. I love it. And my aunt tells great stories, so I have had the opportunity to go back in time and get to know some other family members from my aunt's memory as well. I love hearing about everyone, but I especially enjoy hearing about the women in my family. I try to trace hereditary personality traits; its quite fun. And I find I can identify with my grandmother in very significant ways after having this visit. Of course, there are ways I can't also... like the 11 kids thing. Nope, not feeling a connection there :) Although I have found myself missing my friends' children. Them and my mom's cats. Cats and children, those things make people happy right? So it makes sense.
I have also done a fair amount of sight seeing in Atlanta and Savannah. The south is different. This is my conclusion thus far :) Things seem a bit slower (this could be in part due to the fact that I am staying with a retired couple), people seem friendlier in general, and... I don't know how to describe it... random things will take me aback and I will find myself thinking "I didn't know people still did that" or "I didn't know people still thought that way". Someone told me southerns still believe the civil war is going on... maybe its something like that; although I haven't noticed this phenomenon first hand.
Thursday my brother and my friend Sara are flying into Atlanta to visit. We are going to drive over to Florida to visit a friend of my brother's and hang out near the lovely and vast sea. I love the sea and can't wait. After they are all gone I will head out again to places unknown... although I begin to feel pressure to go home, I just don't know why, lol. Yeah, that same old pressure... the readers of this must get sick of hearing my "what next" dilemma. But I am feeling that constant nag again. I am considering law school, but not until 2 falls from now... so even that concrete decision would leave me with "what next?" I will NOT spend next winter in WI, lol. So a year long job there is out of the question... but I am leaning towards settling someplace in the US until I either follow through with the law school thing or do something else. I can not help but laugh at myself when I reread this junk. That is just what it sounds like... junk. Wishy-washy hogsmaggle. For now... breath. I have money and I have a car and I have places to go... so I need to just .... be.
One last Georgia thought... since I know many of my readers are in WI... its warm here :) And green. And there isn't any snow. Not that snow is the worst, I know the cold is the worst but I also know most of my readers also have jobs (unlike myself) and must get to work, therefore making snow possibly worse than the cold... so, no snow, green, warm (today was low 50's though and people here were crying about the cold... doesn't that sound lovely? been high 60's though) and the trees are budding and flowers are out.... I could live here. Enough said ;)


At 9:29 PM, Blogger Valerie Perez said...

Hope you had a chance to do Underground, Stone Mountain, ride MARTA and do Lenox Square and Buckhead.

A few dollars in your pocket and a car is all you need. Stay out of debt where ever and what ever you do and life will always be your oyster.

Keep traveling and keep rambling.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger Jackson said...


go to the varsity and have some fried peach pie for me.


At 4:29 AM, Blogger linda said...

Don't you think it's funny how everyone freaks out about the Underground mall in Atlanta? I mean, after Korea, where, like, every mall is underground. It's so not a big deal, eh.

The Braves are coming back this year, man!


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