The World Is My Playground

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Wow. So much time has passed since I last blogged... and with time comes experiences!

I stayed with Aunt and Uncle in Atlanta for about 3 weeks. I had a wonderful time with my Aunt Betty visiting many of the tourist attractions in that area. We also spent a fair amount of time just gabbing. By the time I left I was comfortable enough that I felt actually pretty sad leaving. At the end of my stay there, my friend Sara and my brother Jody flew into Atlanta for a visit. Sara only stayed a few nights and the three of us did a nice job of partying it up as well as seeing some sights. We went to the Georgia Aquarium, ate at fine restaurants and managed to find a huge bar/gaming room which we all decided Wisconsin really needs. The day Sara left Jo and I headed to Jacksonville, FL area to visit some friends of his. We spent a night in a small town near his one friend and the next day we hit the beach! It was lovely. We found the coolest camp ground, set up tent and went swimming. It was a sweet site, except the beach was always littered with big fat jelly fish, but even those were interesting to look at.
So, this camp site had a big ol' sign out front saying "Now Hiring" which naturally led to conversations of work. I think most people know that I had hoped to find odd jobs on this trip if for no other reason than to NOT blow my whole savings account on it. Well, to make a long story short, I have basically taken on a traveling companion, one that needs to work thus providing me with motivation to really sit still and just work as well. Now Jody and I are putting in applications from Florida to New Orleans and are planning to go where ever we appear to have options to work. There is also a girl he knows in a "traveling carnival" in Louisana right now, so when it gets to the wire, we have an option to find her. I happen to LOVE this idea. I wish I had being a carny on my list of things to do before I leave this lovely earth... I don't, but I am going to add it :)

Ok, so after making major life decisions I randomly got an email from a friend of mine I knew in Korea who I thought was still in Mexico and discovered he is home and home is Fort Lauderdale area. So that is where I am now. I am staying at his parents house and just chilling. It's a nice neighborhood. We are talking about heading down to the Keys, it seems logical being this close. I feel like there could quite possibly never be a reason for me to ever come back to Florida. Not that I don't like it, I just know it isn't hight on my list. We saw an alligator the other day at a park in the everglades; that was a bit hair raising although I know it shouldn't be. I really like seeing animals in the wild, I wish there were more to see.

So that's the quick on the updates for now. Oh, and I am going to invest in a lap top in hopes of having more consistent access to the internet and email. So hopefully I can email more often! Take care all and stay in touch!


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