The World Is My Playground

Monday, May 28, 2007

From Arizona to the World

Sunday, May 27, 2007
Cornville, AZ Current mood: satisfied Category: Parties and Nightlife

The long term plan is to go back to Korea. In the interim I took another road trip and ended up in Arizona. Well, you know, it wasn't that random. I visited my absolute oldest friend I am still in touch with here in Sedona on my US tour and he and his housemates invited me back. And I came back. Sedona area is different first of all because of its transient and tourist lifestyle. In addition, this house is different because all the people (there are 6 of us now) are on these random schedules and friends are coming and going all the time and its almost like there is always a party. It's almost like I would have imagined college life in a dorm and then in an apartment with other college friends. Almost. Difference being, one of the couples who lives here owns the house, we are all older than college age, hearts have already been broken, dreams dashed discarded and renewed... I guess the difference, of course, is age.
I got a job waitressing at a Johnny Rockets. I start tomorrow. It will be fine. I am also going to apply for an in home job working with people who are older and in need of help with house cleaning and the like. There are a lot of postings for positions like this (Arizona, second only to Florida for retirees; no surprise eh?) and after hanging out with Joel while he tries to sell timeshares and meeting some of the folks who have migrated here I am excited to do this job. I think I will meet interesting folks from all over the country. Wise folks. I hope to join their ranks one fine day. :)
So here I am. Less than a week. We went to an Indigo Girls concert in Flagstaff my first night here. Joel and I went off roading in his new jeep. And I have driven around getting a feel for the small towns around here. It's been fascinating already. I think of home as rather, backwoods or off the beaten path. But wow to off road roads around here. Amazing. Desolate. We got a flat. It was so wrong because the jeep kept falling off the jack and everytime we landed closer to the edge of the cliff. By the time we got it all done it was pitch dark. It was Jody's dream I tell ya. He would have loved that scene, which made me appreciate it more.
I have only been here a short time, yet I find myself trying to put up defenses against the pull of this place. I asked Joel before I came "will I get trapped there?" and of course he was like "you can leave whenever you want". I am sure I can. It is a bit disconcerting how island like it feels though. Time just passes and I find I am rather content. But NO, I tell myself. I have things to do, people to see, and places to be. right?
Currently listening : B-Sides By Damien Rice Release date: By 03 August, 2004

Monday, May 07, 2007

warrior princesses and maybe part 2

I just got a blog post about xena the warrior princess. She is a theme in my life; despite the fact I have never been all that impressed with her. I have always been more of a wonder woman girl. But me and my completely seemingly confortable with his sexuality friend Chris and I sometimes wore candy necklaces on our heads and claimed to be warrior princesses. So did my oldest pal, Sara. So last night when a bachelor party came into the bar I was in and layed Fishy for 3 dollars I wasn't shy about asking him to lay me. He gave me the lay and I proceeded to become a warrior princess whose tag line was "I'm Pretty" in a very girly voice. And damnit, I was pretty :) I had the most beautiful pink and white flowery THING in my hair. Today I tried to recreate my prettiness with a "work boot shoe string" that was actually bought for the sole purpose of tying some random thing to some friends car and not claiming responsibility... my step mum's idea.
I should do part 2. Can I? I don't know. Part 2 of summing up; besides reinforcing my desire to hang with people on the west coast... Jules and Jay and Brendan and Joel; and reinforcing how fascinating I find these people... is about my overall umm, learning, impressions, feelings. I don't know.
Well. At some point (long island) I thought I wanted to take the LSAT and go to law school. When I first went to undergrad I thought I was going to be a lawyer. So it has always inspired me. This time of thinking on it was driven by the age old "I could travel more places with it". I still want to change the world. Who doesn't? Go drink in small town bars and you will find that every jo wants what I want :) I do love the idea. Yes. But. I remember PC in Chuuk and the western lawyers there. Even the divers there. And the mormons. All of them were driven by their jobs. None of them knew what I did. None of them had a host papa who threatened my suitors with fishing spear. None of them had a host bro of 14 who by actions alone drug me out to the sea where the surf hit the reef and put up a net to block the jelly fish so we could fish. I could go on and on. But I won't. The point is that yes, it appeals to me. But no. I kindof knew this before the US tour... but now it is ingrained... I am spoiled. PC and Micronesia spoiled me and I will always be looking for that experience again. I will. It sucks :) Yeah. But I also know I am lucky to have had it. I remember my first day in Egypt and this Brit who I came to be good friends with saying "wow, its so different from the western world" as we were riding in a cab to class and passing a McDonald's. At the time I was like "hello? whatever." But then I went to Korea. At the time, I didn't appreciate Egypt because it wasn't as "different" as my islands. Now. I do. Egypt had its Islamic culture going for it. That was a trip for me. A learning experience. Despite its western theme; it was Muslim and it was different. Korea felt like home only with a different language and a bit of "otherness" to it. Yeah. Micronesia spoiled me big. So I think I will got back to Korea and teach and make the ever needed dollar and do what I am doing now but in other places. Since I developed that thought I have found myself missing Korean things. Strange. But mostly, I have friends there, I know the ropes, there is money to be made and a service to be provided. I have been home for almost 5 months on what I made there. I could go to really remote hard to get to places for longer if I worked there another year.
Thus part 2. Everywhere I go the people say "what now?" or "what are you" or "who are you" or "what is your job" or "degree". In part 1 I talked about my issues with pressure. In part 2 I tell you that I decided. Lol. I hate the uncomfortable feeling when someone asks me what I do. I HATE it. But somewhere along the way I realized what I do... I travel. I am a traveler. Many of us are. When I made the realization I told my oldest pal, the one with a house, and (soon) child(ren), and a business.. and ya know? She said "me too". I love it. And I love some other things. I love the wind and I love the ocean; but not just the ocean. I love natural bodies of water. I always have; even before PC. Rivers, lakes, ponds even. But especially the ocean. People in Micronesia get lost at sea or fall overboard and drown as often as we have car wrecks that kill here in my home area. Pollap there were no cars, lol. and on Weno cars never went over like 20 cuz the roads sucked. Where did this come from and where is it going? I love wind and water and otherness. I love the idiosyncrisities (sp?) of other places in the world. Even Korea, which I didn't like that much. I find myself telling about it often. Not as often as Pollap; yet more than I thought I ever would. I love the non norm. And where better to get it than other countries? I do also love coming home to discover that we, as a nation, are so enmeshed with Brittany Spears' personal life. I love it and I hate it. I love it because I feel like "oh yeah, I can rely on America" and I hate it because I feel like "hello, America is like, the most powerful and free country in the world... and this is our news?" Blah. I am babbling. I am a traveler. The world intrigues me. Always and especially Africa and I will get there one day although technically I was there. Egypt. Africa or Middle East? I was in Africa. But I dream of more. Lol. Always. But a plug for home. I love home. Northwest Wisconsin. Recently i had a good inquiry about "home". And I know... even if my parents both moved away from here... I would come back every few years anyway. I might not know anyone (but probably I would) but I would still come and chill and take in the beauty and hang with the folks hanging here...
That's it.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Summing Up - Part 1

We made it home after a long 30ish hour drive. It wasn't very exciting; other than the other-worldly feeling one often gets from lack of sleep. Home hasn't been the whirlwind it usually is; partly because I don't feel desperate to hook up with people I saw just a mere 3 months ago, and partly because I haven't really told that many people I am home. So... I am home :)
I've been grappling with what I learned on this trip, ya know? Like, what did I take away from it? And it's strange because I have a very difficult time thinking of it as one long trip. Due to the number of people I visited I feel more like I took many mini-trips and took something from each person I hung out with. But then I think, what is the big meaning of it all? I know I went out searching for something... looking for, as my dear friend in Chicago reminded me, something that compelled me. Something to inspire me on my next great adventure. Some days I feel like what I found was a close to broke state and all I feel compelled to do is go back to Korea and teach and make big money fast.
So, maybe I should recap... my first stop in Chicago I already talked about. I was reminded that I don't have to have my whole life all planned out, I can go with my gut and change as often as I want. This is ok. Contrary to popular belief, this is something I struggle with often. I so often fight the pressure to settle down and settle in and live "normally". And long ago I accepted "normal" and those who choose to live "the American Dream" so to speak. However, I know it is not for me. It stifles me and makes me depressed. However again, I fight the urge to please those who find my "instability", so the speak, instable :) So, Chicago reminded me that I am ok.
Indiana reminded me that I dearly love my grandma and need to consistently make more time in my life to spend with her. (I should email her now that I think of it, what a shit I am!) She is an insightful woman who I can learn a lot from. (This theme recurs throughout the trip).
Detroit reminded me that people can find happiness. Without me even :)
Buffalo...umm, I'm not sure. Don't drive in snowstorms? No, actually what I got out of Buffalo is for me and Buffalo... Molls, if you read this; call me, let's talk.
Long Island, ha. I learned a person can go to law school AND party like a rock star at the same time... or maybe not. We will see shortly. I was also reminded that friendships change. No matter how people say they won't, or try to remain static, people and relationships just change.
Boston reminded me that I loved the Peace Corps and all the Chuuksters, no matter how shady ;) and that as my first fellow travelers; I will always feel a special bond with them. Maine, where I didn't see anyone I know, reminded me that the world is not an over-populated mess; at least not in the winter time in northern US.
Baltimore taught me that some people are just meant to party and are good at it and that's cool :) You go girl!
The drive to Tennessee was beautiful and I slept in a rest stop all alone and I didn't think I would sleep but I did and I danced a jig when I woke up because I did it and woke in one piece! It was very freeing. (I can imagine all the people gasping right now, lol, don't worry, I slept with a knife ;) Tennessee was messed up and I still don't know where I am at with it. I drove around Clarksville thinking about how I almost lived there. I had even given notice at my job in Korea last May and was planning to just... I don't know. Move to Clarksville and live with this guy who drove me crazy when he was around, let alone when he wasn't. Tennessee was supposed to be a nice and tidy closure but it wasn't and still isn't. My surprise there, I guess, is that even when I think I have everything wrapped up into a neat little package... surprise! My emotions don't always match my brain. And let me tell you, it pisses me off, lol. Possibly more to come on this.
Atlanta. My aunt and uncle are awesome and I am so glad I got to know them better. More people I could learn a lot from. I spent my longest period of time in Atlanta and it was great. I felt sad to leave after two weeks. It was easy to entertain the thought of just living there; settling down and settling in. Maybe because they are so not settled in or down, lol. They RV a lot. And travel a lot by other means as well. I enjoyed the pictures and stories and developed wonderful ideas for my future travels. Jody joined me in Atlanta, and Sara visited. I love that Sara is my oldest friend and that we have been to the west coast, the east coast, and now the south together. I love her! And we rock! I love my brother too, but wow, what better way to remind oneself of the pain in the ass of siblings than to travel half the country together ;) No, seriously, traveling with him was interesting. There were pros and cons, as there are when ever you travel with someone else. Concessions to make that you wouldn't have to make if you were alone. That's the worst of it I think. The pros of course, are having a companion, someone to share things with, not to mention the benefit of a driver AND a navigator. Being both driver and navigator is a big ol' pain in the butt! I have to applaud us both on our patience and politeness and our ability to spend a month and a half together in a car and come away still friends. We also rock. I think we made each other crazy often, but we did a great job not freaking out about it and just being chill. In retrospect, heck, it's quite extraordinary really. I feel like the trip affected and maybe even changed him in little ways. It seems like he is braver in the world at large. And I hope this is so, because I suspect he has desires to see more of the world, as I once did; but that he has been shy to try things. I hope he is able to take more risks now and go where his heart leads him.
Ok, Florida we saw a mass of people and it was way cooler than I thought it would be. I was reminded not to base my opinions on stereotypes because I really thought Florida would suck, but it didn't. It quite possibly was the friendliest state we were in. I briefly met some of Jo's friends and again... some people are meant to party (Ft. Lauderdale area). Tarpon Springs was great and our first glimpse of wild animals which was something we both were itching for the whole trip. We'd see moose signs or elk signs and get crabby knowing we wouldn't see any, lol. I was frustrated with the ocean in Florida. We did go into the water and play; as kids Jo and I were always swimming at Glen Hills long before anyone else would brave the frigid water, but I came to know the ocean in Micronesia where everything is free and clean. On Pollap I could walk ten steps, be in the ocean, throw on my snorkel mask and see wondrous things without even moving. Thus the frustration here. Maybe there are places like that here in the US, places the local people go maybe. I don't know. It reinforced the uniqueness of my Pollap experience and made me yearn for the oceans of there.
Louisana reminded me that sometimes its good to have a hardy plan and that I can still spin a lovely tall tale :) I was also struck by the still aftermath of Katrina and how we forget about others' hardships so easily when it isn't on the news. It's sad.
We blasted through Texas and ... well, most of the rest of the trip was a blast through. I want and almost feel a need to spend more time in the west. When I headed out on this trip I hoped to slow its speed in the west and hang out. Instead it seemed totally opposite. I want to hang out with my peeps in the west, I miss them and hope to spend more valuable time with them soon. Impressions? New Mexico and Arizona have power to suck a person in and slow down time. I loved it. I also hung with a high school friend in Arizona. A friend who, throughout time, has tried to get me to pack up and go off with him on travels; so that was interesting. California is still the coast I love most :) It's beautiful. And I love my west coast pals and had a great time visiting with them but want to spend more time. I even missed one of them in the rush to get home. This is getting long; and I do have ideas on the grand scheme. But my folks are home now and we are having lasagna and beers together today. Then it is back to the world of dial up at my other folks'... but I will try to finish this soon. Maybe this weekend. Funny, I sped through the west again, lol. Until next time...